The Butler County Visitors Bureau will officially unveil the way finding signage program at a ceremony on January 9,2013

According to the sources;The Butler County Visitors Bureau will officially unveil the way finding signage program at a ceremony on January 9,2013. The ceremony, to be held at the Butler County Government Services building in Hamilton, will introduce the first phase of the program which will include 150 signs spread throughout the county identifying 30 destinations like Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, Wake Nation, and EnterTRAINment Junction. The wayfinding signage program was a recommendation from a Butler County tourism product development study conducted by Zeitgeist Consulting. The study identified a need for a countywide wayfinding signage program to help identify destinations and attractions as well as connect communities throughout Butler County. The program is more than just signs to help visitors find their way. “A wayfinding signage program plays a key role in the perceptions of a community. An effective signage program can be a big part of the overall experience a visitor has when traveling,” explains Mark Hecquet, Executive Director of the Butler County Visitors Bureau. “Wayfinding signs are not only an effective navigation resource for visitors but are also a great way to promote destinations within Butler County.” The wayfinding signage ceremony is scheduled to begin at 10am.